Welcome to Fab328 Metal Works!

Welcome to Fab328 Metal Works!

We are so excited to finally make Fab328 Metal Works a reality!  It has been an unbelievable 3 years in the making.  During the pandemic, we have gone through some crazy things.  We have made it through Andrew having kidney stone surgery and surgery for his amputated thumb (long story for another blog!), our oldest son having emergency oral surgery, our middle girl having a massive spinal fusion surgery, our youngest with a nasty sprained ankle and now a strained ACL from playing soccer.  This is all while dealing with my cancer.  Which we are still right in the thick of as I have not (and most likely will not) be cancer free any time soon. 

Through all of this, Andrew has not given up on Fab328.  Even when he thought it might be too much.  He pushed through, some weeks only having as little as a half an hour to put towards his business.  He built everything from the ground up; his shop, his plasma table, powder coating station and the many tools he's needed to fabricate to get Fab328 ready to launch!

This is a dream that has finally come to life!  Thank you for stopping by our store!  Please email with any questions you may have!


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So proud of you guys and can’t wait to see you guys succeed!


Great job Andrew and Shannon, website looks fantastic!
I’m really proud of both of you for sticking with your dream through everything that’s happened the past couple of years. You should be very proud of yourselves. Love you both!


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